The enigmatic allure of ‘Captivating’ by Anne Bowman transcends the boundaries of mere visual appreciation, beckoning the observer with her irresistible charm. For sale at Brushstrokes by Anne, ‘Captivating’ offers a weaving of narrative that resonates on emotional frequencies within a symphony of vibrant colors, and the intimate dialogue between the observer and the artwork.
I have been painting for twenty years but often when I look for things to paint, I am looking for something that makes me stop and stare and keep coming back to it. And that is what happened with this particular painting which I call “Captivating” mainly because when you look in her eyes it really is captivating! It is almost as if she is trying to say something and doesn’t quite have the right words. I love shades of green, I love dealing with that kind of a mystery that says “Woah, I am trying to talk to you.” So that is how I came to do this particular painting and it turned out to be Captivating.
The frame is green it picks up the colors of the painting well.
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